Embracing Friluftsliv

Outdoor living is such a large part of the Nordic culture, that Norway even has a word for this cultural phenomenon, friluftsliv [FREE-loofts-leev]. This concept is about connecting with nature and fitting into the natural rhythm of the world around us. Skiing, sledding, walking, and bathing (brrrr) are common winter pastimes in Scandinavia and are all a… More Embracing Friluftsliv

Hygge Vocabulary

The word “hygge” is often translated as cozy or a sense of well-being. And I’ve discovered there is a whole world of hygge words that are part of the concept. In this post I’ll share a few of my favorites. Four seasons of hygge: Forårshygge (spring hygge) Sommerhygge (summer hygge) Efterårshygge (autumn hygge) Vinterhygge (winter… More Hygge Vocabulary