Ingebretsen’s loves knitting so much, there’s an entire half of our store dedicated to yarn, knitwear, and countless other needle craft supplies! You can read about topics related to knitting here, from staff and members of our knitting community. Learn more about all kinds of Scandinavian crafts in store or right here on our blog.
How to use Pairfect Sock Yarn
New Anniversary Stocking Kit
Why bother with a gauge swatch?
Wendy J. Johnson: Celebrating Swedish Knitting Traditions
Designer Profile: Theresa Gaffey
Designer Profile: Nancy Lindberg “I knew that I had to make this my job.”
Teacher Profile: Kate Sterner with Singlade bollar
Ingebretsen’s teacher profile: Kate Running
On the close of St. Distaff Day
Star of Norwegian Knitting