
Ingebretsen’s loves knitting so much, there’s an entire half of our store dedicated to yarn, knitwear, and countless other needle craft supplies! You can read about topics related to knitting here, from staff and members of our knitting community. Learn more about all kinds of Scandinavian crafts in store or right here on our blog.


How to use Pairfect Sock Yarn

Have you ever wondered about self-patterning sock yarn? This surprisingly easy trick makes knitting a stripey sock easy! As you ...

New Anniversary Stocking Kit

Christmas Stocking Pattern Ingebretsen's is celebrating its 100th Anniversary! In honor of 100 years on Lake Street in South Minneapolis, ...

Why bother with a gauge swatch?

Skeins of new yarn just call to you to jump in and start knitting. I won’t ask for a show ...

Wendy J. Johnson: Celebrating Swedish Knitting Traditions

“My mission is to let people know about Swedish knitting, “ says Wendy J. Johnson, knitting designer and instructor. Her ...

Designer Profile: Theresa Gaffey

Theresa Gaffey, working on a modular shawl. Theresa Gaffey is a bit of a Renaissance woman, though she is more ...

Designer Profile: Nancy Lindberg “I knew that I had to make this my job.”

When knitters who want dependable, well-written patterns come to the needlework store, they know to go to the big binder ...

Teacher Profile: Kate Sterner with Singlade bollar

Kate with a handful of the many singlade balls she has stitched. There is a basket on a table in ...

Ingebretsen’s teacher profile: Kate Running

When you visit Ingebretsen’s and see the SKHR knitting patterns in our needlework store or read the posters for upcoming ...

On the close of St. Distaff Day

Settle in with your spindle this evening to mark  St. Distaff Day. Yes, a distaff is an object, not a ...

Star of Norwegian Knitting

The Atlantic had a great article about the star that has become a symbol of Norway. Today the selburose is ...