Spring Cleaning in Scandinavia: Squeaky Clean and Squeaky Green

Cleanliness is next to godliness, or so the saying goes; but for folks in the Nordic countries, it may be the other way around. They “vask” themselves and “vask” their homes with religious zeal. The Finns have gone so far as to create a temple to bathing. They have their own popular saying: “Two places… More Spring Cleaning in Scandinavia: Squeaky Clean and Squeaky Green

Scandinavian Folklore and Folktales #3: The Runaway Pancake

This is a folktale called “The Pancake” or “The Runaway Pancake.” The story is most likely Russian or Scandinavian in origin, and was first written down in Norway in the mid nineteenth century. In Russia, the pancake is a kind of doughy cake called Kolobok. There are versions recorded at around the same time in… More Scandinavian Folklore and Folktales #3: The Runaway Pancake