Picnics Scandinavian Style

June 18th, is International Picnic Day, a day we celebrate one of the greatest ways to enjoy the summer season—an outdoor picnic with friends, family, games and activities, and delicious food. June 22nd is Midsommar in Scandinavia and an excellent reason to have a picnic. (You can find out more about Midsommar in our blog… More Picnics Scandinavian Style

Scandinavian Folklore and Folktales #4: Sami Folktales

This month’s folktales come from the book By the Fire – Sami Folktales and Legends collected and illustrated by Emilie Demant Hatt, translated, and with an Afterword, by Barbara Sjoholm. In the book Demant Hatt explains: This small book is called “by the fire” because everything here was told around the campfire. Fire is, after the… More Scandinavian Folklore and Folktales #4: Sami Folktales

Designer Profile: Nancy Lindberg “I knew that I had to make this my job.”

When knitters who want dependable, well-written patterns come to the needlework store, they know to go to the big binder marked “Nancy Lindberg Patterns.”  For 32 years, Nancy Lindberg carefully tested, knit, and wrote directions that knitters trust. While Nancy is not writing any new patterns, she continues to sell her existing ones and Ingebretsen’s… More Designer Profile: Nancy Lindberg “I knew that I had to make this my job.”