Ingebretsen’s teacher profile: Kate Running

When you visit Ingebretsen’s and see the SKHR knitting patterns in our needlework store or read the posters for upcoming classes, you see the signature design style of Kate Running: crisp, bright, high contrast, and with a contemporary Nordic touch. Her knitting classes at Ingebretsen’s are popular because her teaching style parallels her visual art… More Ingebretsen’s teacher profile: Kate Running

Rauma Yarns – What happens when you have happy sheep and a green factory

The Rauma River is considered one of Norway’s most beautiful waterways. Located in western Norway, the river has spectacular views, salmon fishing, waterfalls, and rapids. The fast-moving water supplies hydroelectric power to small communities and factories along its path, including the yarn mill beloved by knitters, Rauma Ullvarefabrikk.     Forget the images of dark,… More Rauma Yarns – What happens when you have happy sheep and a green factory