What We Believe In – A book talk and signing with Ellen Marie Jensen

“The belief that the Sámi had supernatural powers probably helped save them,” says Ellen Marie Jensen, editor of What We Believe In and PhD Research Fellow in Sámi and Indigenous Studies at the University of Tromsø, Norway. When witches were being burned in Norway during the 1600s, more Norwegian women were burned at the stake… More What We Believe In – A book talk and signing with Ellen Marie Jensen

The Tiny Wish – Anja’s Adventures Continue

  Children’s literature has a rich tradition of stories of very tiny people looking at our world from a very different vantage point. Scandinavian authors have contributed some of the most beloved fairytales of this type. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, Thumbelina, and Children of the Forest all come to mind. Now there is The… More The Tiny Wish – Anja’s Adventures Continue