Happy Birthday Elsa Beskow

Happy 145th birthday to Elsa Beskow. Elsa Beskow was one of Sweden’s best-loved writer and illustrator of children’s books. “For over one hundred years Swedish children have grown up with her books. Her illustrations take the reader back to an idyllic Sweden at the turn of the last century. Elsa Beskow’s books transcend nationality and… More Happy Birthday Elsa Beskow

Merry Moomin

Last May we wrote a blog introducing you to the Moomins (read it here). This blog is to tell you more about why we love Moomins and remind you that Moomins are a fun and unusual gift for the kids in your life. You can find Moomin products at Ingebretsen’s. According to the Moomin website:… More Merry Moomin