Steller Quality

Julie Steller’s beautiful up-cycled mittens, bags, and denim jackets will be at Ingebretsen’s, along with the textile artist herself, this Saturday, October 27 from 1 to 4. The very best way to appreciate the beauty and warmth of Julie’s work is to try on a mitten, examine a wool bag, and look at each unique… More Steller Quality

The Selbu Rose and Uncle Arne’s Very Warm Mittens

Visual language is powerful and few images proclaim “Norwegian heritage!” more clearly than a Selbu Rose design on a mitten or sweater. That’s a Selbu Rose, not a star. “It’s an 8-petaled flower,” says Laurann Gilbertson, Chief Curator at the Vesterheim Museum in Decorah, Iowa. “The Selbu version is now the best known, but the… More The Selbu Rose and Uncle Arne’s Very Warm Mittens

Rauma Yarns – What happens when you have happy sheep and a green factory

The Rauma River is considered one of Norway’s most beautiful waterways. Located in western Norway, the river has spectacular views, salmon fishing, waterfalls, and rapids. The fast-moving water supplies hydroelectric power to small communities and factories along its path, including the yarn mill beloved by knitters, Rauma Ullvarefabrikk.     Forget the images of dark,… More Rauma Yarns – What happens when you have happy sheep and a green factory