Danish Burning Love

Danish Burning Love, Brӕndade Kӕlighed, – the name is appropriate for Valentine’s Day. Whether the burning love is for bacon, for mashed potatoes, or for the person to whom you are serving this dish, this recipe is a celebration how satisfying simple food can be. Add enough butter to sail a flotilla, and you are… More Danish Burning Love


The Law At Ingebretsen’s, we are huge proponents of being outside throughout the year (you can read about Friluftsliv in winter here). In 1994, Swedish Parliament passed a law, Allemansrätten – The Right of Public Access, or commonly known as “every man’s right.” This allows people in Sweden the “Freedom to Roam” on public land.… More Allemansrätten

The Power of Sisu

Have you ever seen the Finnish word, “sisu,” [SEE-soo] and wondered what it meant? Sisu is at the root of the culture of Finland. It’s also a concept that can be hard to define. Writer Katja Pantzar moved to Finland, before writing her book The Finnish Way. She immersed herself into Finnish culture and found… More The Power of Sisu