Semla Day

Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday is a day in February known in Sweden as “Semmeldagen” (the day of the Semla). This is the national day of Sweden’s most beloved pastry, the semla. The semla (semlor, plural) is a small, wheat flour bun, flavored with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream. The holiday… More Semla Day

It’s Almost Time For Påskekrim (Easter Crime)

Norway is known as having one of the strangest holiday traditions – Påskekrim – reading about gruesome murders over the Easter holiday. So we’re taking a minute to dive into how this tradition started. Perhaps it is time for you to climb on the Oslo-to-Bergen train, first stop Påskekrim: It All Started with Fake News… More It’s Almost Time For Påskekrim (Easter Crime)