Woodturning With Phil Holtan

A regular during Ingebretsen’s annual week of craft demonstrations, Phil Holtan, a professional woodturner, is always a crowd pleaser! His visit’s are an unique opportunity to see a demonstration of woodturning and speak with artist behind the lathe. What is woodturning? Woodturning is a unique form of woodworking that uses a tool called a lathe.… More Woodturning With Phil Holtan

D is for Duodji

Anessa Andersland is the guest writer for this post. Anessa is the North American marketing agent for  ČálliidLágádus / Authors’ Publisher, a Sámi  publishing company. She helps coordinate our annual Sámi Day at Ingebretsen’s, which is this coming Saturday. In this post, she will explain some of what you’ll see there.  Duodji (doy – gee): the Sámi name… More D is for Duodji